
Francesco Taccone for ICSA at the conference "Cybersecurity made in Italy"

03 Dec 2017

When it comes to cybersecurity, rely on national industries it is not just a way to underpin the creation and growth of Italian new enterprises in the context of a booming market but is also the best way to enhance the general security of Italy in the new digital era.

This is the key message of the conference held by ICSA Foundation which took place in Rome on 30 of November, in the very charming venue of the "Sala della Regina" at Montecitorio Palace, the Italian Parliament’s headquarters, entitled "Cybersecurity made in Italy – L’industria nazionale della cyber intelligence e dell’information security”.

The President of ICSA Foundation, gen. Leonardo Tricarico, during the opening speech, said that he really hopes that in the foreseeable future the excellent Italian companies, often successful abroad, can be put in a position to implement the Italian security as well. The chairman of the Conference, Domenico Vulpiani, councilman of ICSA Foundation and former chief of Postal Police and coordinator for information security and critical infrastructure office, remarked that within a borderless and ownerless area, like the web, it is crucial not just to be able to defend but mostly to prevent.

After the introductory remarks the chairman of the conference, Vulpiani, gave the floor to some representatives of the cybersecurity industry in Italy (among which negg®, Selta, Neutrino, Aizoon, Gyala, S&A, Cpm Elettronica, Telsy).

Francesco Taccone, CEO of negg®, invited as speaker at the conference, said: “The using of alien software for national security operations means providing the key to our country to an outsider. Priority should be given to Italian companies active in the field of cybersecurity because they compliance with Italian legislation and regulations at all levels and so it is easier to keep control. At negg®, according to our specific policy, we develop in-house all our products. We do not use software of other companies, especially the foreign ones. Our engineers develop all along our products. Nowadays the communications are encrypted and it becomes increasingly difficult for the Institutions to decode them. For this very reason, we are strongly committed in supporting the Italian Governament and other friendly Governements in their intelligence operations to fight against terrorism and organized crime. It would be really a great achievement if all the national companies and the public sector would be able to create a common strategy to manage risky situations not just for the Italian Governament but also for other countries”.


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